You are invited to the inauguration on Saturday, October 13, 2018, at 16:30 at Villa Contarini in Piazzola sul Brenta (PD). During the inauguration there will be a guided tour of the exhibition curator, Margherita Naim.
13th October 2018 – 13th January 2019
The exhibition is organized by the Veneto Region-Regional Observatory for Landscape and by the Province of Treviso-FAST Foto Archivio Storico Trevigiano in collaboration with the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Fondazione Mazzotti.
Opening hours
9 am-7 pm (until October 31st), 10 am-6 pm (winter time)
Guided visits to the exhibition (included in the access ticket to the villa)
Sunday 21 October at 16
Sunday 28 October at 16
For info and reservations: tel. 0422 656139 – fast@provincia.treviso.it